A student’s new invention will help you bake bread automatically according to the degree of doneness you want, instead of relying on time like before.
A toaster that can toast bread to the exact doneness of its colour has been invented by a student. The smart toaster ‘Hue’ was designed by 21-year-old Basheer Tome.
The new toaster slot is equipped with sensors to ensure that the bread inside never burns.
As the bread is placed in the toaster, an electronic display on the computer displays the color of the slice.
A circular touchscreen offers users different shades of brown, allowing diners to choose the browning of their toast and even shows them what color it will be when cooked.
The toaster has a series of color sensors inside that will check both sides of the bread and the toaster will operate until the bread reaches the exact required color.
While the toaster is just a design concept at this point, Basheer hopes manufacturers will soon come knocking on his door to discuss mass-producing the toaster.
Several cardboard prototypes were tested. The final version was made of aluminum, steel and double-paned glass.
“The project started as a quest to make toasters easier to use,” said Basheer, who invented the toaster at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, US.
“I discovered that a transparent toaster was actually a popular idea on the internet, but never made it to production due to a lot of practical issues.”
That’s because people don’t trust their toasters and they can’t see what’s going on inside it.
Most toaster ovens are timed based but with little consistency between different brands, models, and types of ovens, this makes getting the right baking results difficult.
This gave young Basheer Tome the idea of a toaster based on the color of the cake.